Gordon Ramsay's fairwell

Hi, I’m Gordon Ramsay. I’m a golden retriever who loved running through fields and stealing socks from the laundry. I remember the first day my hooman brought me home like it was yesterday. I was just a little ball of fur with big dreams—dreams that were all about love, loyalty, and a few too many treats.

I wasn’t always the dignified dog you see in the pictures. In my puppy days, I was a tornado of energy. I chewed on shoes, tore up newspapers, and ran circles around the house until my hooman finally gave in and let me have a chew toy. I know she loved it deep down, and I hope I brought her as much joy as she did me when she came home after a long day of work.

My favorite place was curled up at the edge of the bed near the fan, and often times you'd find me picking up sticks as thank you gifts when I took my hooman on walks. It didn’t matter if it was sunny or rainy; I knew my hooman would take me to explore, and when I was too hot, I knew I could count on the fan to keep me cool, and my puppy pool to splash around in. The smells, the wide-open space of the grass and fields—I could run for hours, and I did. I also knew when it was time to chill, and when mom was in business mode,  I  chomped on my favorite ice cubes to keep myself company while she painted. But nothing beat the way my hooman’s face lit up when I’d race back to her with a stick in my mouth, or when I’d retrieve belongings she didn’t even know she had anymore, and place them under her bed for safe keeping. I had her heart when she buckled me in the passenger seat of her car on September 19th, 2021, and she smiled at me like she’d known me for a lifetime.

There were some days when I didn’t feel quite like myself. I wasn’t as hungry as I used to be. Sometimes, I just wanted to curl up in my favorite spot and rest. But every time I looked up at my hooman, I could see that she was there, right beside me, no matter what. One day, she brought home my baby brother, Butter, and I knew at that point she would be okay if I wasn’t here forever. 

I knew my time had come back in October of 2024. I had been by my human’s side for only 3 years, and I could see that she wasn’t ready for me to rest. I wasn’t sure how to tell her, but Jesus was calling me home. My final moments were quiet, peaceful, and full of love. As I drifted off, I felt her hand on my fur, Butter’s head nestled into my neck, and I knew—this wasn’t the end. My heart was full of gratitude, knowing I had given all I could, and received so much love in return. I knew she’d be okay if she had Butter, and in that moment I could leave her earthly presence to be with my Father in Heaven. 

I may have crossed the Rainbow Bridge, but I’ll never truly be gone. I’ll live in the memories of every game we played, every cuddle, every ice cube chomped, every moment of pure joy. I taught her to live in the present, to love unconditionally, and to always cherish the little things. I pray her small business brings her as much joy as it did me watching her create. She’ll carry me with her forever, just as I will carry her in my heart, and continue my legacy with sweet Butter as her guardian here on earth.

Thank you for your support of her small business that was inspired by me. May my legacy continue to be an outlet of her love for art and creativity.

With love,

Gordon Ramsay in Heaven

(The inspiration behind Ramsaydigitals)


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